Clothing of the Ancient Celtst;Patterns and Resources
Resources -- Iron Age thru Medieval
BRIGANTIA home page -- group doing Iron-Age Celtic Reenactment in the U.K. -- see their 'kit' page for clothing info. Footwear of the Middle Ages Early Irish and Scottish Shoes Medieval Scotland (Sharon L. Krossa) Viking Tunic Construction Resources -- Renaissance through 1770s The Elizabethan Corset Page How to Make an 18th Century Corset Footwear of the Middle Ages The G. Gedney Godwin Online Catalog -- 17th and 18th c. clothing, weapons, and other items Hand Knit Hose House of Tartan How to Make a Cap by Sue Felshin Jas. Townsend and Son, Inc. Home Page -- sells nearly everything you'll need, from clothing patterns through shoes Reconstructing History -- for more information about 16th c. Irish clothing, as well as other areas of interest RevList page -- includes examples of items used in the Colonies during the Rev. War period. Scottish Military Historical Society - Gallery Scandinavian Touch -- source for clogs Syke's Sutlery -- 17th century clothing, weapons, etc. Shift Cutting Guide from RevList The Shinrone Gown -- an Irish dress from the Elizabethan period Spectacles from RevList 18th C. Women's Clothing guidelines from Battle Road 2000 (RevWar event) Other suppliers for 18th c. reenactment, on the RevListe web site. Traditional Welsh Costume Traditional Welsh Costume and Recipes Welsh Themes - National Costume Wales Tourist Board - National Costume Regency/Empire Costume: This is a bit beyond the period and scope of my web page, but here are two good Regency-period resources. I'm putting them on the web page because they're just so helpful, and hey, what reenactor sticks with just one time period? * Jessamyn's Regency Costume Links -- good overview of Regency-period costuming patterns and sources * If you're looking for good Regency-period shoes (1810 or later), go here: Just Plain Flats : French Pattern Ladies Shoes. The toes of the shoes aren't pointed, so they won't do for earlier than 1810, but for that year and later, they are very nicely made shoes. Supplies: Dharma Trading Co. -- textile crafts supplies EarthGuild -- Supplies for weaving, dyeing, etc. G&S DYE - HOME PAGE Halcyon Yarns -- spinning, weaving, and other fiber arts supplies and books Hamilton Dry Goods - out of period, but has some appropriate fabric Handwoven Plaid Cloth for 18th c. Plaid Hose Hanson's Leather Jas. Townsend and Son, Inc. Home Page -- patterns and fabric for 18th c., as well as other supplies Lacis Phiala's String Pages -- Source for information on Early/Medieval textile arts. Ravensgard Costuming and Textiles Page -- great list of links, as well as additional weaving info! Richard The Thread SCA Tablet Weaving Archives Tablet Weaving Archive The Woad Page Celtic Jewellery -- some pieces on this page are based on period pieces Medieval Brooches -- these annular brooches would be more appropriate for later-period Celtic costumes Dark Ages Jewellery Historic Enterprises -- belt findings, clothing, kitchen goods, etc. Weapons: Jas. Townsend and Son, Inc. Home Page Museum Replicas Syke's Sutlery 18th Century: see Early Scottish Dirk from Museum Replicas Limited Brass Basket Hilted Claymore " Culloden Steel Basket Hilted Claymore " Other: Amazon Drygoods The Costume Page (fairly comprehensive listing of costume-related sites) Duct Tape Double Jas. Townsend and Son, Inc. Home Page Copyright Notice: The Author of this work retains full copyright for this material. Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this document for non-commercial private research or educational purposes provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are preserved on all copies. Clothing of the Ancient Celts - Copyright 1997, M. E. Riley and 2002, Kass McGann. All Rights Reserved.
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