this blog series so far, we've been discussing what women in the 1920s and 30s would have worn on a walking holiday like the kind I'm planning to take in the UK this October. My husband Bob will be accompanying me. And since he's a vintage clothes-horse too, it's time to answer the question: what did men wear?

The answer is simple. Women in this time period are wearing outdoor gear based on men's outdoor styles. So it's not surprising to find men wearing the same kinds of clothes we've seen in photos and catalogs of women's outdoor wear: knickerbreeches or riding breeches paired with jackets, shirts or sweaters, knee-high hiking boots or ankle boots with long socks.
The only real difference between men's and women's outdoor gear is that men often wore flat caps, a style we don't see women wearing. Men, conversely, seemed to avoid wearing berets. Both men and women wore the informal riding knockout hats though.
Next time...
While you're waiting, have a shop through our collection of reproduced
Vintage patterns.

Photos courtesy of
The Vintage Traveler. Please visit her wonderful vintage travel and clothing blog!
© 2014 Kass McGann. All Rights Reserved. The Author of this work retains full copyright for this material.
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