Use our pattern and make this gorgeous Restoration gown!
Make a Bodiced Gown suitable for 1670s-1690s, based on extant English examples. You'll be fabulous at the next Pirate Ball! Includes trained and non-trained versions.
Fits busts 30½" to 48" and waists 23" to 41". All sizes in one envelope.
Also included are assembly instructions, embellishment suggestions, and the extensive historical notes you've come to expect from Reconstructing History.
Suggested Fabrics: silk satin, taffeta, or tissue; lightweight silk or fine linen for lining; 5oz. linen for interlining
Notions: thread; 7mm or ¼" half oval or round reeds or ¼" corset boning; silk ribbon, cloth tape or leather for binding; wood or horn busk; corset lacing; ribbon or metallic braid trim to taste
Yardage Requirements:
Bodice -1 yd at least 45" wide, lining 1 yd at least 45" wide, interlining 2 yds at least 45" wide, sleeves 1 yd at least 45" wide
Skirts (no train) - 3 yds at least 60" wide, lining (optional), 3 yds at least 60" wide
Skirts (trained) - 4 yds at least 60" wide, lining (optional), 4 yds at least 60" wide