A dress for Belvidere
As the end of the summer nears I always look forward excitedly to Belvidere Victorian Days in Belvidere, NJ. It's a casual events with good friends and fun dresses. You may recall Kass' adventures making an outfit for last year. So here it is, my wedding is over, and I'm thinking "I've worn the same dress to Belvidere two years in a row I simply CANNOT wear it again!!" I was feeling a little un-inspired until my marvelous friend (we'll call her MadameK) suggest I look through the Gallery at the Met. They have some beautiful gowns that can really inspire a girl.
I looked at several various brightly colored ones (you see my last one was brown, I'm ready for VIVID). But I kept coming back to the lines of this one:
It's a mourning dress dated 1872-74. But it still seemed like it was missing a little something. So I summoned the photoshop slave, I mean husband, to work a little magic for me.....

Voila! I'm IN LOOOOOVE! Plus it has the added bonus that it's
1. simple in design so I might actually finish it
2. not full length sleeves/low necked (it gets hot here in early sept still)
So here's The Plan, Stan:
Bodice: RH943
Skirt: A TV skirt haven't decided which yet (suggestions?)
I think I'll have to make up the overskirty bits on my own
Bustle: If I have time I'd like to make a new one, TV108
Fabric: My awesome Aunt works at as a designer at a really pretty kids clothing company (I know those kids wear nicer things than I do!...not that I'm jealous...I want a sailor suit...) and she helped me find some awesome taffeta.
Stay tuned!...and if you're in the NY-PA-NJ area come out to Belvidere!
I looked at several various brightly colored ones (you see my last one was brown, I'm ready for VIVID). But I kept coming back to the lines of this one:

It's a mourning dress dated 1872-74. But it still seemed like it was missing a little something. So I summoned the photoshop slave, I mean husband, to work a little magic for me.....

Voila! I'm IN LOOOOOVE! Plus it has the added bonus that it's
1. simple in design so I might actually finish it
2. not full length sleeves/low necked (it gets hot here in early sept still)
So here's The Plan, Stan:
Bodice: RH943
Skirt: A TV skirt haven't decided which yet (suggestions?)
I think I'll have to make up the overskirty bits on my own
Bustle: If I have time I'd like to make a new one, TV108
Fabric: My awesome Aunt works at as a designer at a really pretty kids clothing company (I know those kids wear nicer things than I do!...not that I'm jealous...I want a sailor suit...) and she helped me find some awesome taffeta.
Stay tuned!...and if you're in the NY-PA-NJ area come out to Belvidere!