Which skirt pattern should Robin use?
okay I'm having a dilemma. I need to pick my TV pattern for the skirt so I can take it home from work with me tonight,
A brief reminder of the inspiration here:

In this corner we have TV208, remember we're just looking at the basic underskirt shape here:

And in this corner weighing in at 1lb 2oz (okay I made that up) we have TV202:

So Great and Powerful RH Crew, Which do YOU think I should use?
(And while you at it, give me your best theory for what's going on in the back there...)

In this corner we have TV208, remember we're just looking at the basic underskirt shape here:

And in this corner weighing in at 1lb 2oz (okay I made that up) we have TV202:

So Great and Powerful RH Crew, Which do YOU think I should use?
(And while you at it, give me your best theory for what's going on in the back there...)