Downloads Frequently Asked Questions
Welcome to the Downloads section! Reconstructing History takes pride in offering downloadable versions of each of its patterns. Our users find them convenient and easy to use. Should you have any questions, this FAQ should answer them.
Where are my downloads?
As soon as you've made payment,
"Return to Merchant" and you will be directed back to our site. You will land on a page with a purple button you can push to download your files. No emails. No waiting. For more, see:
"How do I download a pattern I've bought?" below.
We've changed how we do downloads!
Now download one PDF and print it on your desktop.
Below is a video of how to tape your pattern together. Line up the cross marks in the corners of every page. The pages are numbered (e.g. "4,2" is the fourth page reading left to right of the second row of pages, "1,8" is the first page in row 8) in the upper left corner of every page.
"How do I order a download?"
See the red oval? There's a drop-down menu there that lets you select a print or download version of the pattern you're considering. Like this:

In fact, you won't be able to add that pattern to your cart until you select which flavor you want.
"How do I download a pattern I've bought?"
It couldn't be easier! As soon as payment is complete and you click "Return to Merchant", you'll land on a page on our site that says: "ORDER RECEIVED" You can click on the button in your order under "Download" and download your file immediately. Like this:

If you don't click "Return to Merchant", after a few minutes you'll get an email that says, "Your order is complete". Like this:

If you click in the links in your email (shown circled in red in the screen shot above), your files will automatically download to your hard drive.
"But I never got an email!"
No problem! If you created an account when you ordered, all you have to do is log in, click "My Account" in the blue bar at upper right, click "Orders" (or "Downloads") in the purple bulleted list, and click on your order number. Like so:

This will open your order and you can see your download links there:

You will always be able to access your orders no matter how long ago you purchased from us.
If you didn't create an account,
contact us. We'll make sure you get what you need!
WE DO NOT EMAIL YOU FILES. You must click the link in your order email or on the landing page and retrieve them as described.
But I liked the old way of downloading a zipped folder with the Full Size pattern pages!
All you have to do is ask. Email and request the full-size pattern pages and we'll email you the zipped folder. Your email will need to be able to receive large files.
Print shops will ask you if you have permission from the copyright holder to print the item. A Permission To Print letter is included in the pattern download. You are granted permission under our copyright to print one copy of this pattern for your non-commercial use.
"I can't find my download on my device."
Each browser and operating system handles downloads differently. First step is to check your browser's Downloads folder. If you can't find it in the Downloads folder, use whatever method you use to search your drives and search for "RH*.pdf" (without quotation marks). That should find your file.
"The file RHyaddayadda.ZIP won't open."
This means you need some kind of software to unzip the files. Most computers come bundled with extraction software. If for some reason yours doesn't, get
WinZip for Windows or
StuffIt for Mac.