Make the perfect arming gown for your Hauptmann!
Here's your easy way to make a Men's early 16th century German Waffenrok or Arming Gown as worn by Landsknecht officers. Pattern includes arming gown with full sleeves and a variety of skirt pleating techniques.
Fits chests 34"-54". All sizes in one envelope.
Also included are assembly instructions, embellishment suggestions, and the extensive historical notes you've come to expect from Reconstructing History.
Suggested Fabrics: Velvet, silk brocade, heavy silk or fine wool; (optional) Lining: 3-5oz linen or light silk; (optional) Interlining: heavy linen or buckram
Notions: thread, wool or silk brocade (2-3" strips for guards), cord for lacing, (optional) buckram or heavy linen interlining
Yardage Requirements: Outer fabric (napped) 6 yds 60" wide; Outer fabric (w/o nap) 4½ yds 60" wide; (optional) Full Lining 4½ yds 60" wide; (optional) Partial Lining 2 yds 60" wide; (optional) Body Interlining 1 yd 36" wide; Guards: Two-inch and three-inch wide strips of wool or silk brocade in a contrasting colour, as many as desired