One Pattern for all your late 19th century Petticoat needs!
Possibly the most ubiquitous female garment in every time period is the petticoat. In the 19th century, skirts went truly mad. The round skirts of mid-century expanded to great widths in the 1850s and 1860s. By the 1860s, the bulk began to shift backwards until bustles appeared in the 1870s. Petticoats changed to match. Natural Form (bustleless) dominated the late 1870s, and petticoats changed yet again. By the early 1880s, the bustle returned, again giving the impression that the lady wearing it was shaped more like a centaur than a human and a lady's petticoat added to this silhouette. Even the slender looks of the 1890s owed their look to petticoats.
This pattern includes them all in their nearly infinite variety!
Bustled. Natural Form. Crinoline. Slim. Based on original garments from the 1870s through the 1890s.
Note: This pattern is for the petticoats (white on the cover art) only. This pattern does not include corset or chemise.
Fits all waist sizes
Also included are assembly instructions, embellishment suggestions, and the extensive historical notes you've come to expect from Reconstructing History.
Suggested Fabrics: cotton
Notions: thread; buttons, or hooks and eyes for front for closure; twill tape; lace or other trimmings
Yardage Requirements: 4-6 yards of at least 40"/1m wide, up to 10 yards of lace trim